Double Up ISPs to Reduce Downtime and Maximize WAN Performance

Experience constant up-time by using two ISPs at the same time, at each site.

The migration of business-critical applications from on-site to the cloud is a measurable way to increase WAN collaboration and productivity. The question is one of balance – do you go with bandwidth at the risk of reliabilty? or reliability at the risk of cost containment?

Providing you with increased bandwidth and reliability at an affordable cost is what Turnium SD-WAN does. Use multiple connections from multiple providers to give your customers the peace of mind that their customer WiFi or back-end office applications will be available whenever they need them to be.

Here are three simple ways our technology allows service providers to scale bandwidth to meet customer needs:

  1. Combine Multiple WAN connections for added bandwidth
  2. Combine Multiple ISPs for increased reliability
  3. Use Layer-3 connectivity for cost containment

Increase Availability and Add Bandwidth with an active-active combination of multiple ISPs and multiple ISP connections. Your customers can reduce the impact of downtime or brownouts and add additional bandwidth that would traditionally not be available.